A sheer endless crowd of Tesla Model X’s form a guard of honor as we leave the event location. On each side of the Trafo hall, they cheer us on with all they have: low beams, high beams, indicators, fog lights. Everything flashes and while their falcon wing doors wave us goodbye, the accompanying sound makes our hearts beat even faster. We almost can’t believe this is really happening and that our weekend getaway is about to start!
Never before have we been looking so much forward to a Monday. But this Monday, Easter Monday, April 2nd 2018 is different. It is the day of our departure. The day we open a new chapter in our lives.
For months we had been preparing for this very special day. Clearing out our apartment and quitting our jobs made sure not to postpone it. From this day onwards, people call us globetrotters and we will be on the road as Mr & Mrs T on tour.
Around the globe – along the Tesla charging network
Back in 2017, when we heard Tesla’s Chief Designer Franz von Holzhausen speak at the Model 3 preview event at the Tesla factory in Fremont, we felt it is on us to make a next step and to leave our comfort zone in order to drive sustainability (thank you so much for taking us there, Christina and Armin!). A few month later we were accompanied by a fantastic film crew (many thanks to the team of thebravenewnow) who on behalf of Tesla captured our mission in form of a Tesla customer story.
We are traveling in our Tesla, because we support Tesla’s vision to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. We aim to inspire others to also enjoy a more sustainable lifestyle. During our trip we hope to find more great samples of how to connect indulgence and sustainability.
Our CO2 footprint will be compensated in partnership with the myclimate foundation (thank you for the inspirational conversations, Kai Landwehr!).
The electric age
A place full of history, the former ABB production hall in Baden always used to be electric. More than a century ago, Swiss Engineers built transformers in here. Now our friends from the Swiss Tesla Owners Club (STOC) gathered their Tesla Model X’s in the very same place in order to provide a unique scenery for our farewell event and some extra attention for our Model S (a very warm thank you to the Model X drivers and all the other club members who joined the event, making this a very special day for us!).
While the delicious local MüllerBräu beer (cheers, Felix Meier!) was draught from recycled gas pumps into our friends’ glasses we feel confirmed: This is definitely the new electric age. All others toast with fine Cortis Swiss wines (cheers, Daniele Cortellini!) as well as ChariTea and LemoinAid (cheers, Milena Pfister!) as some people (including ourselves) still have to drive.
Supporters and friends, we’ll think of you
As we are about to leave, the Model X drivers simultaneously press their car key buttons initiating the Model X hidden easter egg light show to say good-bye the Tesla way. Others have also been pressing some buttons for us in previous months, supporting our mission in many different ways:
- Kersten A. Riechers (quäntchen + glück) by patiently coaching us and developing our emotional catchphrase (The weekend getaway that never ends).
- Pascal Brun (Papers) by setting up our website with supersonic speed.
- Jörg Krummenacher (Kommpakt) by developing a sensational design for our car.
- Richnerstutz by thoroughly bringing this design to life.
- Valeriano Di Domenico by shooting the pictures at the event also used in this blogpost
It feels absolutely great to be part of such a strong community and with our friends and family on our side we are truly blessed. We will dearly miss all of you!
But rest assured, we will send you some postcards via Facebook, Instagram and on our blog. With impressions from our weekend getaway that never ends!
Mr & Mrs T